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Codejock Xtreme Toolkit Pro


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Год выпуска: 2008

Размер файла: 31.62 MB/49.32 MB

О программе: Codejock Xtreme Suite Pro - корпоративный набор из 7 OCX-компонентов, предназначенных для создания графических оболочек, в помощь разработчикам и программистам Visual Basic, VB.NET, C#. Количество всевозможных настроек и вариантов огромно - от различного расположения и расцветки элементов до динамической прозрачности и анимации окон.

Xtreme ToolkitPro™ 2008 combines most popular components, Xtreme CalendarPro, Xtreme CommandBars, Xtreme Controls, Xtreme DockingPane, Xtreme PropertyGrid, Xtreme ReportControl, Xtreme ShortcutBar, Xtreme SkinFramework, Xtreme SyntaxEdit and Xtreme TaskPanel into one easy to use package.

Included Products

Each of the products listed are included with Xtreme Toolkit Professional Edition. Follow the links for each product to view the “Features Tour” for that particular product. When you are finished, you can return to this product page to view the remaining features for Xtreme ToolkitPro.

Xtreme SuitePro™ 2008 combines most popular ActiveX COM components, Xtreme CalendarPro, Xtreme CommandBars, Xtreme Controls, Xtreme DockingPane, Xtreme PropertyGrid, Xtreme ReportControl, Xtreme ShortcutBar, Xtreme Syntax Edit, Xtreme SkinFramework and Xtreme TaskPanel into one easy to use package.

Included Products

Each of the products listed are included with Xtreme Suite Professional Edition. Follow the links for each product to view the <<Features Tour>> for that particular product. When you are finished, you can return to this product page to view the remaining features for Xtreme SuitePro.


О файле

Активация|рег код: есть

Язык Интерфейса: English

Формат файла: rar

Платформа: Windows



Toolkit Pro:


Suite Pro ActiveX:


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