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Начинающий Уморист (1/7)

  1. I had no idea such a useful add-on existed, thanks Pinochet.
  2. This is a fascinating thread, I'd like to thank ce350d, ederman, nion for their regular updates. May this year be full of blessings for you wonderful guys!
  3. Thanks so much for explaining the rules. This is such an awesome forum, everyone seems to be sharing. Do you have recommendations which section is easier for beginners to find stuff to contribute, as starters? When I browse around, everyone seems to be in expert mode already, very daunting for beginners. My complete lack of Russian knowledge is not helping. By the way Is it acceptable in this forum to post materials that I found on the web, ie not my own uploads?
  4. I wish I could understand the language and post messages.
  5. May I reply in English to topics that originated in Russian?
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