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Everything posted by hcterts

  1. Your tongue is a sponge for bad odors. Brushing your tongue will help you become more social!
  2. A gentleman always open the door for the lady. A gentleman always lets the lady sit down first. A gentleman always removes his hat in the presence of a woman. A gentleman never raises his voice in the company of a lady. A gentleman never chews gum in the presence of a woman. And most importantly, a gentleman always pays for his date!
  3. The best remedy for me is to eat about one half pound of chocolate over the course of one day. I sleep like a baby!
  4. It can be found at some small video outlets that carry old archives. It is a classic!!
  5. Pretty cool, and beat! Keep that rolling!
  6. Thanks for bringing me up to date on this one! I enjoy that deluxe edition!!
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